We're back today to wrap up the list of 10 of my favorite vintage items in my home. Be sure you don't miss 1-5 from yesterday! (Be sure you saw 1-5 too!)
6. Canisters
This is another very simple way to use a vintage piece. If we’re being totally honest, I am not about to pour my flour out in here. I have my vintage limits! But these are great for storage of packaged goods or just small odds and ends you may need to store out of sight. We have fish food and water treater in there.

8. Art
I hate to even tell you what I paid for this beautiful landscape in case I try to sell it one day. But this was a priceless auction find that came out of a barn in Smyrna. It has some damage to it, but I like of like that all the more. It’s not a real painting of course but considering I paid one whole dollar for it and it works in every room of my house (I know this because it’s been in almost every room of my house) and it such a large piece. This is a great example of not getting the art off the Target rack. It might be pretty, it might be a nice placeholder, but try to find something with a bit more soul to it… even if it’s from a barn for $1.
9. Bedroom lamps
There is one item in my marriage we have never fully agreed on and I don’t know that we ever will. Robb is so great to let me pretty much have full reign on things design related and I appreciate that but he just doesn’t share my love for lamps. To me, there are never enough lamps and to him… well, we’ve been over our lamp limit for years. But no matter how passionate you feel about lamps, bedside lamps are essential. There are so many great options and I almost always recommend larger scale, weighty lamps for the most impact. I almost never recommend 1987 country mauve. Let's look at the before first...
But the shape on these was so great (as was the price) so I gave them new life and fresh shades and they’re the perfect addition.
TIP: If you are tired so many rooms looking the same because influencer are telling you that you MUST have "The it lamp," from target, this is an easy way to add character and life. We almost always have vintage lamps stocked in our booths. Brass is always a good addition to add life and character.
10. Secretary + Windsor chair
Oh how I love a secretary. Fancy or simple, I envision myself sitting there writing letters. I have never written a letter from this spot but it’s the perfect for a little extra storage for us. It came from the Old Feed Store several years ago. I painted it, updated the hardware and it might get messy a little too often but it’s so nice to have the extra storage and she's oh so pretty!
Now, I might even love a Windsor chair ever more than a secretary so I stole this one that was actually headed to the booth (sorry, not sorry) Windsor chairs feel classic and timeless at the same time and add so much style to any space.

TIP: there are a million styles (and price ranges) of Windsor chairs. I’ll spare you the history lesson for today, but this is such a simple way to add a little bit of vintage charm to your home. They have that historic feel, but the shape is so classic they fit with almost any design style. They even have great reproductions or modern versions. Windsor chairs are always the answer!
10. Mirror in office
I picked this up at the Old Feed Store on impulse one day fully intending to use in in a client’s home. It’s that whimsical, wow piece that can ad something special to any space and it’s big and weighty so it packs a punch but it's still small enough to not be gaudy. I hung it here to see how it might work and we lived happily ever after.

We did it! I have so many more items besides these 10, but I love how it gives real life examples of how old things an work with new. There is just character in vintage pieces you can't buy in a big box store!
Be sure to check out our Vintage Shop for the online collection and as always shop in person at Willow 210 Vintage Market and the Eagleville Mercantile