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New Year + New Shoes

New Year + New Shoes

There is just something about putting on a new pair of shoes. When we’re little we want to show everyone how high we can jump and how fast we can run all because of our new shoes. If you’re like me as a small child, it was an absolute requirement that you take off your old shoes, place them in the new box and proudly wear you new shoes for the rest of the day.  New shoes seem to change us. A new pair of work boots offer support. First day of school shoes offer a new beginning. A new pair...

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Making the $0 Library: Back in Business

Making the $0 Library: Back in Business

You know how they say “invite people over to get stuff done around the house?” As Tripp’s birthday party approached, I knew it was time to press play on the Library project. Obviously, this room is tucked away and I could close the door but the problem is what it does to the surrounding areas. I should not show you but this was what I did to the connected bonus room during the weeks of this project. Promise me we’ll still be friends. The truth is no one really cares about the state of our bonus room or house. They’re...

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Making the $0 Library: The Problem

Making the $0 Library: The Problem

I wish I could tell you that the library was smooth sailing after I dramatically picked a paint. Some things went well. I was able to cut my shelves without too much issue. I installed the brackets that I had and made a simple plan to start the others. I had plenty of MDF to cut the shelves and a little leftover for errors.  The paint went on smoother than I expected for a cheap gallon and I even had enough to cover the ceiling too. Here’s a free tip for you. While it’s a small room, there are quite...

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Making the $0 Library: The Point of No Return

Making the $0 Library: The Point of No Return

When we last left off, I was still debating these tiny DIYers on my shoulders. (Sound nuts? It is but go back and read what I’m really talking about here ) I was tired of listening to them argue and state their cases. They both made good points and they’re both probably right… this could be amazing but it’s for sure going to come with a lot of challenges (yep, that is foreshadowing) so I made a little deal with myself. A totally, logical sane deal… I was going to Lowe’s that day and if there was any good “Oops...

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Making the $0 Library: The Challenge

Making the $0 Library: The Challenge

So when we last left off,  I had a lot of books, a room identified and had started a plan. You already know that it’s happening but it wasn’t an easy road to get here, and it’s not over yet so let’s start with my constraints and problems so far.  The first one is budget. It’s just not a season for any house projects. I’m sure you’ve been there too and you might be there right now with me. But, I walk a fine line between optimism and delusion and just can’t accept this restraint for very long. I’m really...

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