the blog — 31 days
Leave Room (Christmas Prep Week)
31 days Christmas Christmas Prep Week
Good and bad, things rarely go as planned during the busy holiday season. Someone gets sick, an unexpected invitation, you find out there are 13 more people coming to an event than originally planned… you name it. Stuff happens and it happens big during such a busy season. You cannot prepare for everything but you can take steps to make them not hurt as badly. Here are just a few thoughts… Stay healthy: Take care of yourself and your people. Drink plenty of water, eat your veggies, get some sleep. Do all you can to prevent getting sick but be willing...
Make Your Lists (Christmas Prep Week)
I find it impossible to get a good grasp on anything without some sort of a list. The holiday season is no exception and by starting these lists early, we lay the ground work for success down the road. Today’s only action is to sit down with a calendar and paper (and a strong cup of coffee) and start writing. Here’s what to focus on… Calendar: We may not have invitations yet, but you know what gatherings are typical so grab a calendar and fill in the following: Concrete Plans: Fill in the dates you know start with TODAY and...
Christmas Prep Week
You’re going to want to stop reading here but please don’t. I will say some things that will sound crazy but if you just trust me, you’ll thank me later. Christmas is 70 days away. Even if you are a passionate “I don’t want to see anything Chrisrmasy until after Thanksgiving,” person, you need to hear this. How often do things get so crazy from October to January that we don’t even enjoy it? I don’t think that’s just me, right? This is such a special time full of so much fun, but it can be overstimulating and exhausting and make...
Pretty + Functional: A Week of Organization That Works For You
You know I dream of perfectly organized, pretty spaces all Home Edit style, but that is just not realistic for me. I’m not that neat and while I love to ROYGBIV some things, others I need different forms of order. We all organize differently and while I totally respect your own personal style and methods, I’m also an advocate of making sure we’re all doing our best at it. Our systems and methods should not just be functional, but also beautiful. If our snacks and overflow pantry items are pretty, we’re more likely to want to maintain them. If we...
You Need This: Towel Upgrade
31 days Product Recomendations Shopping Guide You Need This
Our homes cannot be perfect. At least mine can’t be. If you’ve figured that one out, please send me a copy of you book! But for those of us still trying to keep spaghetti off the floor and having pep talks with ourselves to just put the laundry away, we can just declare “not perfect” is 100% fine. We’re not aiming for perfection but I like simple wins; little things I can do to at least have moments where I feel like “ahhh that’s pretty!” Ready for one of those? Take a look at your kitchen towels. If you’re like...